All about me

Image result for JPL mars rover
My name is Chloe and ever since I was 6, I have dreamed to be a mechanical engineer working at JPL. I got inspired from a trip to JPL just looking at all of the creations these engineers had made. For example, the Mars rover that has been exploring the surface of Mars for 15 years and helping lay the groundwork for NASA's return to the Red Planet. In order to reach my goal in the future, I started to join classes in game designing and robotics classes. After those classes of coding and constructing robots and video games, It was my prior goal to become a mechanical engineer.
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My hobbies are mainly coding, constructing, and rock climbing. I got into rock climbing because its how my parents met each other. After joining a rock climbing team, I was very serious about it. It helped me calm myself in a way I thought I could never be, it made me feel free. Just climbing the wall feeling the breeze using up all my strength just to get to the top. 

I have learned that I am a friend of most things. Though I have to thank my friends because of it. They taught me how to be loyal, trustworthy, a little bit critical, but most of all dependable. I strive to be one of those friends who can always be there for you. My friends shaped me into a better person this year, so much that I wouldn’t even notice myself of the person I’ve become today. It’s them who I have to thank for who I am. 
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My family is one of my closest and most loved friends. To my mind, my family plays one of the most important roles in my life. Since birth, they have surrounded me with love and affection. They teach us everything. Walking, talking, dressing, etc. They take care of our health, teach to be kind and positive.
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Another thing that is most important to me is my education. My education is very important to me because its another way  of predicting your future. Your education is a way of expanding your brain, thoughts, and common sense. It shapes you to be more wise and mature. 


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